This Paper Studies the impact of the factors on the demand side on employment changes during 1986-1996. The demand side of the economy can be analyzed on the basis of: the changes of the final domestic demands, intermdiate demand changes or the demand of the manufacturing sector for the intermediary products which indicates the technological changes of the production, changes of the foreign demands (export expansion) and change in the combination of demands (imports substitution). In addition, the productivity changes can also have a consideralie role on employment.
The result of this study shows that in the time period of 1986-1994, the average growth rate of employment has been 3. 01% per year in which the impact of the domestic market for the final products was 1. 5%, the impactr of the export expansion was O. 18%, the impact of the import substitution was 1. 47% and the impact of the technological changes was O. 53%. Also the impact of the productivity
on the employment growth was about 0. 68%
JEL Classification: 121, J64.