In this paper assess development indexes such as: Human development index (HDI) in rural region in two period, 1986 and 1996. To calculate this indexes, we show rate of development in rural region. compare between two-time show trends of development in decide.
Most of calculated indexes show that margin rejoins worse of central region in development. The different is very mach between of margin and central in Iran. The margin region of Iran likes sestan & bluchestan and kordestan have below development. Growth of development indexes shows a duality between theirs. According to this study the average of HDI for rural regions increased through the last decade, however with regaed to the HDI between 1986 and 1996 we can conclude that rural regions of Iranian provinces suffer due to the lower human development in spite of growth in the rate ofHDI ough the decade.
JEL Classification: 015,018.