Application of The Theory of Economic Justice for Wealth and Income Distribution Under an Islamic System


The paper intends to briefly present a perspective of the significanceand substance of the economic justice. It then reviews the teachings ofIslamic sharia , and various opinious presented on the subject, andconcludes four specific rules .
and criierias for determination and
assessment of the existence of justice in economics, as follows:
1 - Product sharing on the basis of participation in production.
2- Right of Equal entitlement.
3- Relative proportionality in wealth and income.
4- Allocation of public resources and assets in an appropriate
manner leading to a sustainable Economy.
The paper then ,presents a comparative study in subjective rules of
distribution under Islamic Economic System, and indicates the
compatibility of Islamic rules with those of general economic justice, and
comes to conclusion with the hypothesis of consistency for Islamic System
in every criterion.