Investigating the Effect of Oil Price Shocks on Uncertainty in Gold, Stock Exchange and Foreign Exchange Markets in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran, Theoretical Economics

2 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Tehran University, Theoretical Economics Department

3 Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran


It has been accepted that uncertainty negatively affects economic activity and, therefore, economic growth. There are many factors which can cause uncertainty but among them Oil price shocks is definitely a very important one, especially in case of oil-exporting country. In this article the effect of oil price shocks on uncertainty in gold, stock exchange and foreign exchange markets in Iran has been investigated. doing structural VAR with monthly data in 2005-2015 period. Also SEARCH VOULIM INDEX was applied as an uncertainty measurement.The result revealed that oil price shocks increase uncertainty in gold and foreign exchange market.
JEL Classification: Q43, D8


Main Subjects

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