This paper is analysing the role of economic reforms on the labour market in Iranian industry in economic reform period (1990-2005), and in turn, it is comparing it with closed economic period (1979-1989). In order to do the above comparative analysis, the manufacturing industry has been categorized based on Hecksher-Ohlin and Gause methodology. Accordingly, we have some industrial groups, including, export oriented, import competitor, non-trade, oil industries (in 3 and 4 ISIC, rev levels). The result shows that: open economic policies has increased the real wage, but has not declined the inequality between skilled and non-skilled labours. The growth rate of productivity of trade industries, the real production and the value added of those industries have increased considerably during 1990-2005 period. Employment elasticities and the share of women in industrial employment have also enhanced in that period.
JEL classification: E24, F14, F16
dadgar, Y. and Nadiri, M. (2010). The Analysis of Relationship between Economic Reforms and Iranian Labor Market. Journal of Economic Research (Tahghighat- E- Eghtesadi), 45(3), -.
dadgar, Y. , and Nadiri, M. . "The Analysis of Relationship between Economic Reforms and Iranian Labor Market", Journal of Economic Research (Tahghighat- E- Eghtesadi), 45, 3, 2010, -.
dadgar, Y., Nadiri, M. (2010). 'The Analysis of Relationship between Economic Reforms and Iranian Labor Market', Journal of Economic Research (Tahghighat- E- Eghtesadi), 45(3), pp. -.
Y. dadgar and M. Nadiri, "The Analysis of Relationship between Economic Reforms and Iranian Labor Market," Journal of Economic Research (Tahghighat- E- Eghtesadi), 45 3 (2010): -,
dadgar, Y., Nadiri, M. The Analysis of Relationship between Economic Reforms and Iranian Labor Market. Journal of Economic Research (Tahghighat- E- Eghtesadi), 2010; 45(3): -.